Academic Buddy Programme

Conversion Table EC

How can I obtain EC from the Language Assistant Role?

  • You will receive 3 hours in total for each appointment you make with a student (see the table below for EC equivalents).
  •  At the end of your internship, you will write a brief report in which you will reflect on the organisation of the internship and the (language) problems you have encountered. You should explain how you have addressed these problems  and why you used the strategies you selected. Would you do it differently now? What have you learned during the internship? How was it beneficial culturally or socially? The importance of your report depends on the number of EC you wish – see this page on “Internship/Reflection Report” for more information.


Equivalent in hours to: 3 hours per session Extra hours attributed per EC
1 EC 28 hours = 7 feedback sessions 7 hours for workshops & internship report
2 ects 56 hours = 14 feedback sessions 14 hours for workshops & internship report
3 EC 84 hours = 21 feedback sessions 21 hours for workshops & internship report
4 EC 112 hours = 28 feedback sessions 28 hours for workshops & internship report
5 EC 140 hours = 35 feedback sessions 35 hours for workshops & internship report
6 EC 168 hours = 42 feedback sessions 42 hours for workshops & internship report
7 EC 196 hours = 49 feedback sessions 49 hours for workshops & internship report
7,5 EC 210 hours = 53 feedback sessions 53 hours for workshops & internship report


Can I participate if I don’t need or want EC?

Of course! In this case, you will receive a recommendation letter attesting to your internship. In the past, these letters have proved to be very useful additions to your CV. Note that you will still have to write a reflection report (albeit shorter) and to register the appointments.