Academic Buddy Programme

Join the programme!

Do you want to participate in the Academic Buddy Programme?
Registration for Semester 1, 2022-2023 is available until August 18th, 2022. 
Sign up here

Asking for peer feedback by native speakers is possible throughout the whole academic year. This means help with university course work (written/oral) in French, German, Spanish, English, Italian or Dutch.
Find your Language Assistant

Options Academic Buddy Programme
Academic Buddy / Academic Buddy & Language Assistant

Within this programme students have two options: be an (1) Academic Buddy or (2) Academic Buddy & Language Assistant.

Everyone who joins the programme becomes an Academic Buddy (AB):

  • You will be matched to another student and you can help each other with practical, cultural and social aspects of university and student life.
  • Being an Academic Buddy also means you will be invited to workshops/ activities (one of which is obligatory: Meet Your Buddy Event) focused on Intercultural Communication & Competences.
  • Being an Academic Buddy also gives you the opportunity to join the social activities organised by BuddyGoDutch, a student organisation.

Extra option: Language Assistant (LA)
If  you (as international or UU/UCU student) would like to offer language assistance to other students besides being an Academic Buddy, you can also become A Language Assistant (LA): 

  • You can help one or, if interested, more students with their written and/or oral comprehension in regards to your native language(s) by providing them with peer feedback (this student does not necessarily have to be your Academic Buddy).
  • It is possible to receive EC for this role. Please check the EC requirements here.
  • You will receive two workshops in peer feedback didactics.

When signing up for the programme, please indicate which of these roles you are interested in. All participants of the Academic Buddy Programme, regardless of roles, will be able to join the social activities organised by BuddyGoDutch.

Matching & Meeting your Academic Buddy

Based on your information you will be matched to one, or if interested, more student(s).

  • Matching criteria: the most important criterium for matching will be your home/destination university common country, region, study programme, and/or the language(s) indicated.
  • Matching time-line: Semester I (September), Semester II (February).
  • Meet your Buddy Event: After the matching procedure has been completed, , you will be invited to join the first event called ‘Meet your Buddy’ which is organised in cooperation with BuddyGoDutch. Attendance at this event is mandatory for all members of the Academic Buddy Programme.

Agenda events